K-POP 藝人的舞台妝容及華麗服裝常常都能引起模仿潮,因此許多公司也砸重金給旗下偶像穿上超美的衣服,但有些服裝也常常出包,像是肩帶突然斷掉、褲子破掉等,都讓偶像在台上超慌張,不只如此,之前 Karina 還穿鞋底掉一半的靴子上台,還曾被捕捉到衣服上有針,都讓粉絲看得心驚膽戰,怒批 SM Ent. 造型師不用心,但沒想到近日 Karina 的造型竟然又出包了...
From giving Karina broken shoes to mismatched shoes to putting her in hazardous outfits she can trip on and now a needle in her dress,how can a company and stylists be so incompetent and hateful pic.twitter.com/MXmrLTsGew
— ☠️☠️ (@Galaxy_0411) November 13, 2023
at first, i thought it was a pin so it would be easy to see but it’s actually a needle. but it’s obvious the needle was very sharp and thin
— 劉知珉 (@rinaloveyus) December 16, 2023
SAFER OUTFIT FOR KARINA#SM_Listen_To_Fan @aespa_official @SMTOWNGLOBAL pic.twitter.com/Cc4J4cSQdS
近日,aespa 舞台中,Karina 以一身牛仔服裝亮相,展現出她的超狂比例身材,由於上半身是平口上衣,所以還有用透明肩帶撐住衣服,但有眼尖網友發現,不知道是肩帶太緊,還是 Karina 過敏,旁邊竟然直接紅一片,就連上衣下襬的腰部也是紅紅的,再度讓粉絲又心疼又生氣。
notice the skin on her side was already red even before they performed supernova and it worsens after they finished armageddon and it was bc of her outfit. the skin below her shoulders were red too
— Sunshine (@sunshine_080507) June 20, 2024
Karina must be tired of stylist keep giving her uncomfortable outfit 😇 pic.twitter.com/bw6dgOjG0P
— 🍀🍀🍀 (@BelieveInYu0) June 20, 2024
而 Karina 的服裝不斷出包,也讓粉絲忍無可忍怒批「Karina 的造型師是有什麼問題,Karina 的安全必須放在首位,我們多次看到她的衣服出問題,要確保她的造型改善,我們不想再看到她受傷」、「Karina 一定對於造型師一直給她不舒服的衣服感到很疲累」等。
Kpopn 的 Tien 報導
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